We have been fascinated by cats all of our lives. In fact, ancient Egyptians even worshipped them as gods. With their elegant walk, independent attitude, mysterious aura, and mischievous playful nature—what is there not to love? These cat sitting tips will help you understand and connect better with these fascinating creatures.

Like us, some cats are complex, while others love the closeness of human company. They demand attention and enjoy the bonding nature of neck scratches. Meanwhile, others focus their daily routine around their food bowl! Some cats prefer alone time, while others may be shy and need plenty of patience to trust you. Additionally, rescue cats often come from difficult backgrounds, which shakes their trust in humans. If you try to bond and the cat runs away, simply ignore it for a while. This gives the cat time to adjust to your voice, smell, and presence. Soon enough, the cat will realize you’re not a threat, and their curiosity will lead them to check you out.

To make yourself less threatening, lower yourself to the cat’s level. Sit on the floor and allow the cat to approach you. Let them smell you. Cats rely heavily on scent to get to know you.

Prolonged direct eye contact threatens cats. When first meeting a cat, half-close your eyes, blink slowly, and then look away.

Playtime is crucial for cats. Have you ever met one that doesn’t love playing with a ball or a piece of string? Playtime helps improve their mental health and builds confidence. It also gives you a chance to bond with the cat.

Finally, cats are much more skittish than dogs. They cannot handle loud noises or sudden movements. Move calmly around them. If the cat is in a different room, announce your presence before entering. This ensures the cat won’t get startled.

Cat sitting tips like these can make a world of difference in how you connect with and care for your feline companions.